
Q. What does the letter ‘G’ situated in the middle of the building actually represent? A. Some have no idea, some think “God”, some will tell you it’s for “Geometry”. In always closing the Lodge in the Second Degree ‘by virtue’, the answer to this question is lost and therefore leads to unnecessary speculation.  It’s…


Combined Loyal Vacation and Emergency Services Lodge Ladies Night – 17th May 2025.

Combined Loyal Vacation and Emergency Services Lodge Ladies Night – 17th May 2025.

Included : Drinks on arrival and Three Course Meal for only £45 per person. Dancing ’till late. Gentlemen – Black Tie & Dinner Suits. Send your completed booking form to: Derek Reed – 30 Norden’s Meadow, TA4 2JW, together with cheque made payable to: Wiveliscombe Masonic Hall Club or pay by BACS to : 40-44-04,…