The role of the Almoner
Freemasonry encompasses three basic principles; friendship, integrity, and charity. The Almoner is responsible for the care and welfare of its members, their wives, widows and dependants.
However, the Provincial Almoner alone cannot watch over 3,000 masons, plus widows by himself, and the central Masonic Charity Foundation cannot be the eyes and ears across all 49 Provinces, so the Lodge Almoner is essential to the provision of required support to those within and connected to the Lodge.
In a way therefore the Lodge Almoner is a central and key figure. He is not expected to be an expert in solving every problem, but he is expected to be able to signpost applicants to help and be a contact point for those in need.
The Almoner is a key part of this chain, who can keep a watchful eye on the members & widows in his Lodge.
Individual Lodges, Provinces and masonic charities all facilitate the provision of care to those in need, but the eyes and ears on the ground must be provided by the Lodge Almoner to identify the cases in the first place.
Assisting with Poor Mental Health
Being an Almoner is not just all about looking after the Members’ Physical health and wellbeing, it is just a important to give full consideration and support to their Wellness health and Mindfulness. Mindfulness is part of wellness and there are several simple ‘Mindful’ exercises that we can all undertake to improve the mental wellbeing of ourselves and others. Don’t we owe it to those around us to help with their mental wellbeing as well as their physical strength?
Our Masonic education invites us to reflect upon the inevitability of our own demise. To ensure that we have completed the tasks that we have ourselves set and to embrace the end when it nears without fear or trepidation. Some Brethren have reflected on this and offer their own thoughts on this most delicate of subjects:
- Thoughts on MortalityThoughts about our own Mortality.