
Music is the science of time intervals as they are perceived in tones. This science is as eminent as it is useful. He who is a stranger to it is not able to fulfil the duties of an ecclesiastical officer in a suitable manner.
A proper delivery in reading and a lovely rendering of the Psalms in the church are regulated by a knowledge of this science.
Yet it is not only good reading and beautiful psalmody that we owe to music; through it alone do we become capable of celebrating in the most solemn manner every divine service.
Music penetrates all the activities of our life, in this sense namely, that we above all carry out the commands of the Creator and bow with a pure heart to His commands; all that we speak, all that makes our hearts beat faster, is shown through the rhythm of music united with the excellence of harmony ; for music is the science which teaches us agreeably to change tones in duration and pitch.
When we employ ourselves with good pursuits in life, we show ourselves thereby disciples of this art; so long as we do what is wrong, we do not feel ourselves drawn to music. Even heaven and earth, as everything that happens here through the arrangement of the Most High, is nothing but music, as Pythagoras testifies that this world was created by music and can be ruled by it.
Even with the Christian religion music is most intimately united; thus it is possible that to him, who does not know even a little music, many things remain closed and hidden.
Beauty is of course to be found in Music, but when the mathematics and indeed the Geometry of Music is disclosed it conveys a sense of awe to the investigating mind.

This particular spiral isn’t an idle curiosity nor just an interesting pattern – It is in fact a map of the harmonic sequence. This is how music actually works.
It’s a visual depiction of musical intervals and their relationships, in the context of a harmonic or tuning system. At the core of the diagram is the fundamental note (C), with frequencies doubling for each octave.
Each interval is also associated with specific mathematical ratio, first calculated by Pythagoras. He discovered that two notes that made an interval always had a ratio of 2 to 1. The perfect fifth’s ratio is 3 to 2, and the perfect fourth is 4 to 3. Pythagoras combined these intervals and then created other notes to make up the major scale. With his mathematical calculation, the theory of music had been born.
All frequency whether its sound, light, planetary motion, etc. can be related to these cycles. The same spiral pattern appears everywhere in nature, our DNA, plants, galaxies, weather patterns… so does in music. Spiral is repetition, but with accumulated experience, it embodies fundamental processes of creation and growth.