Club Policies and Procedures
Fire Safety Policy

“It is the policy of the club to protect all persons including members, contractors and members of the public from potential injury and damage to their health which might arise from any activities.
The club will provide and maintain safe working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all and to provide such information, guidance and supervision as they need for this purpose. The club will give a high level of commitment to health and safety and will comply with all statutory requirements.”
- A Fire Risk Assessment should be carried out and the findings made available within the building.
- A fire alarm inspection /service should be carried out every six months.
- Fire alarm call points should be tested weekly while the building is in use.
- A full fire drill and evacuation should be carried out annually.
- Battery operated smoke detectors should be tested monthly.
Fire Extinguishers

The building has two floors, so fire regulations state that we must have two ‘Class A’ extinguishers on each floor each being minimum 3 litres foam capacity. These to be located on exit routes to assist with creating escape routes. These to be replaced after five years.
- We should also have a 2kg CO2 extinguisher to deal with electrical fires. This to be replaced every ten years.
- All extinguishers should be serviced annually.
- If a deep-fat fryer is installed in the kitchen, then a wet chemical extinguisher should also be installed.
Accident Policy

Any accident requiring as much as a plaster or a dressing should be recorded in the accident book by completing an accident form available in the hall foyer. This should be completed by the injured person or on their behalf if unable or incapacitated. The corresponding part of the form should be completed by the event organiser or their deputy and the completed form filed in the accident book in the upstairs robing room for review by the events committee.
Asbestos Policy

There are no indications that there are any asbestos related products in the building. An adjacent ‘identical’ property similarly has no indication of any asbestos related products used during construction. At the time of construction, it was not common practice to use asbestos related products within the building. A full risk assessment can be found here.
Cleaning Policy

All businesses must now conform to guidelines laid down by the Environmental Health Officer (EHO) guidelines who handles complaints about food quality, hygiene and safety issues and makes sure that people’s working surroundings especially in food preparation areas, are safe, healthy and hygienic.
The use of colour coded cleaning equipment such as mops, buckets and dustpans, has been widely adopted by the catering industry, as well as offices, factories and the retail sector to reduce cross contamination. If employed, external contractors will automatically use these pieces of equipment for cleaning the appropriate areas.

GREEN – Public Area
AMBER – Kitchen and Food Preparation
RED – Washroom & Toilets
Electricity Safety Policy

- A electrical safety certificate should be available and should be renewed every five years.
- PAT testing should be carried out on all portable equipment that has been in use for more than 12 months.
- Emergency lighting tests should be carried out monthly and should be serviced annually with a full discharge test.
Evacuation Chair Policy

The evacuation chair should be demonstrated annually at which time any issues or difficulties should be reported to the building committee. Training should be available to all club members. At least one trained person should be present at every meeting held in the main Temple. A training video is available on the Lodge web site.

First Aid Kit
A first aid kit should be available whenever anyone is in the building. Ay usage should be reported in the accident book and used items should be replaced at the earliest opportunity.

Gas Safety Policy
- A gas safety certificate should be available for the servicing of the boiler and should be renewed every year.
- A Carbon Monoxide alarm should be placed near the boiler and tested monthly.
Legionella Policy

Water is run many times each month as a matter of course in the bar and kitchen areas apart from when the club is ‘shutdown’ over the summer period. After this shutdown period, water should be run for three minutes, or until the responsible person has satisfied themselves that the pipes are ‘clear’ to ensure that any potentially contaminated ‘standing’ water is flushed away before the bar or kitchen are used again.
Signage Policy

All locations in which toxic, caustic or potentially dangerous chemicals are stored should be locked and should have appropriate COSHH signage attached to the locked door indicating the dangers associated with the products stored within.
A Fire Exit sign should be clearly visible from every location within the building. It should be appropriately illuminated and should indicate exactly where an individual should go in the event of an alarm or emergency, instruction to evacuate.

Stairlift Policy
The stairlift should be serviced annually and a report available for public view. Any issues discovered with the operation of the stairlift should be immediately reported to the building committee.
For further reference materials:
Fire Safety Standards and Regulations