Among the early Grand Masters who were Fellows of the Royal Society, were;

Dr. Desaguliers
The Duke of Montagu
The Earl of Dalkeith
The Earl of Strathmore
The Earl of Crawford
The Earl of Morton,
Lord Paisley
Lord Colerane

and Francis Drake, who presided over the Grand Lodge at York. The Duke of Lorraine and the Chevalier Ramsay were likewise both Brethren and Fellows.

The following Deputies were also Fellows of the Royal Society ;

Martin Folkes, 1724;
W. Grime, 1739;
Martin Clare, 1741 ;
E. Hody, 1745‑46;

as were;

Sir J. Thornhill, S.G.W., 1728 ;
Richard Rawlinson, Grand Steward, 1734.

It is interesting to note that William Hogarth, son‑in‑law of the former, served the Stewardship in 1735.

Other Grand Stewards in later years include;

John Faber, 1740
Mark Adston, 1753
Samuel Spencer, 1754
The Rev. J. Entick, 1755
Jonathan Scott, 1758‑59
