In the Mark Register, commenced in 1852, a number of Brethren have been carried forward from a previous Register (now missing). Among the names is Bro. R. M. Scholefield, from whom we know that he was a Mark Mason previous to 1813.

A Record of the Hope Lodge informs us that Bro. R. M. Scholefield was deputed by the Lodge to attend the formation of the United Grand Lodge Of England, in 1813, in order to ascertain the position of the Hope Mark Lodge under the new Regulations.

According to the arrangements then made, the Lodge of Hope was entitled to practice the Mark Degree under the old Constitution derived from the Grand Lodge of York, which recognised the Mark Degree, and which was confirmed by the Union.

Ever since the Lodge of Hope practised the Mark Degree under its Banner.

Remarks on the Old Ritual of the Old York Mark Lodge

The Ritual of the Old York Mark Lodge, previous to the enrolment of the Lodge under the Banner of Grand Mark Lodge of England, was different from the present Ritual.

The position of the Mark Degree was then between the Second and Third Degrees. According to the old Minutes the proceedings were as follows:

The Lodge was opened in the First and afterwards in the Second Degree by the Worshipful Master or a Past Master and the Craft officers, the Lodge was then proclaimed open in the Mark Degree, and the Mark Officers took their respective stations.

The Mark Lodge was presided over by the King, representing King Nebuchadnezzar, his principal officers were:

Tatmai, Governor of this side of the River.

Shetham Bornai, Governor of the other side of the River. A bridge over which the Candidate had to pass represented the River.

The other officers were: Two Sojourners. Scribe. Guard within and without.

Every Past Master of a Craft Lodge, who was a member of the Mark Lodge, was also considered a Past Master in the Mark Lodge, and qualified to he elected as King or to the offices of Tatmai or Shetham Bornai.

The first part of the ceremony of promotion perpetuated the return of the tribe of Judah from Babylonian captivity, ” to receive the promise of a Mark Mason of rebuilding the Temple and the Holy City”..

This portion of the ceremony was given by the King and his Governors.

The second part of the ceremony, though slightly different, is practically the same -in substance as our present ceremony.

This part was given by a Past Master.

The Brethren wore ordinary Craft clothing, the only distinguishing badge was a jewel representing the old Jewish half-shekel, worn on. a white ribbon ” attached to the fifth buttonhole of the garment called a Waistecoat.”

After the Mark business was concluded the Mark Lodge was proclaimed closed, and the Craft officers resumed their stations.

The Lodge was then closed in the Second and afterwards in the First Degree.
